Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (2024)

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Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers

D. A. Tatarskiy, N. S. Gusev, Yu. V. Petrov, A. Chuvilin, M. V. Sapozhnikov, and S. A. Gusev
Phys. Rev. B 110, 064415 – Published 13 August 2024
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Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (1)

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    Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (2)


    Co/Pt multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy were locally irradiated with a focused beam of He+ ions to change the magnetic properties of the sample in strictly defined regions. Irradiated regions of 100–400-nm diameter served as pinning centers for chiral magnetic textures, resulting in the formation of magnetic skyrmions of the same diameter. The magnetization topology of such skyrmions was studied by Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. It was found that the helicity of skyrmions depended on its diameter and the ion irradiation fluence. Both Bloch-type skyrmions and Néel-type skyrmions, as well as skyrmions of the intermediate type, were observed. We assume that this behavior is due to a change in the balance of the magnetostatic energy and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya energy, which is confirmed by micromagnetic simulations.

    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (3)
    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (4)
    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (5)
    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (6)
    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (7)
    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (8)
    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (9)
    • Received 19 August 2023
    • Revised 29 May 2024
    • Accepted 11 July 2024


    ©2024 American Physical Society

    Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

    1. Research Areas

    Magnetic domainsMagnetic vorticesSkyrmions

    1. Techniques

    Lorentz microscopyTransmission electron microscopy

    Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

    Authors & Affiliations

    D. A. Tatarskiy1,2, N. S. Gusev1, Yu. V. Petrov3, A. Chuvilin4,5, M. V. Sapozhnikov1,2, and S. A. Gusev1

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    Vol. 110, Iss. 6 — 1 August 2024

    Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (10)
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    Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (13)

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    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (14)

      Figure 1

      Skyrmions (a)–(c) and domain walls (d)–(f) with different helicities γ = 0 (Néel); π/4 (canted); π/2 (Bloch), correspondingly. The arrows show the direction of magnetization in the plane of the film; the colors indicate the perpendicular direction of magnetization (red is for up, blue is for down).

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    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (15)

      Figure 2

      (a) High-resolution cross-section micrograph of multilayer; the distance between atomic planes is ∼0.218 nm; (b) The dark-field plane-view micrograph of Co/Pt multilayer. (c) Selected area diffraction pattern of planar specimen. (d) The geometry of nanomodification: the array of irradiated spots with the reduced anisotropy.

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    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (16)

      Figure 3

      Simulated magnetization distribution (left column), simulated Fresnel contrast without tilt (column in the center), and simulated Fresnel contrast at 30° tilt along vertical axis (right column) for the Néel skyrmion (first row), for the canted skyrmion (second row), and for the Bloch skyrmion (bottom row). In the insets of (d) and (g) the enlarged red areas are shown to highlight difference between canted and Bloch skyrmions.

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    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (17)

      Figure 4

      (a) Polar MOKE major and minor hysteresis loops of the initial Co/Pt film with easy-axis perpendicular anisotropy. Circles: magneto-optical measurements; red curve: simulated hysteresis loop; blue curve: minor hysteresis loop; numbers indicate the points where the Fresnel contrast is acquired through in situ magnetization reversal. (b)–(d) Fresnel contrast on micrographs. Figures are acquired at points 1, 2, and 3 of the hysteresis curve, correspondently. The contrasts are obtained at 30° tilt along denoted axis. (e), (f) Simulated magnetization distributions of points 2 and 3 from hysteresis curve, direction denoted by color wheel; black-white colors denote Mz direction. (g), (h) Simulated Fresnel contrast at 30° tilt along denoted axis.

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    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (18)

      Figure 5

      (a) Typical Fresnel contrast of Néel skyrmions, obtained for the sample with array of the spot with diameter 200 nm, fluence 2.0×1015 ions per cm2, tilt 30°; compare Fig.3. (b) Typical Fresnel contrast of Bloch skyrmions (marked by blue circles) and trivial codirectional vortex (marked by red circles). Obtained for the spots with 400-nm diameter, fluence 3.0×1015 ions per cm2, tilt 30°; compare Fig.3. (c), (d) Fresnel contrast of canted skyrmions, obtained for the sample with array of the spot with diameter 400 nm and fluence 2.0×1015 ions per cm2. Tilting angles 0° and 30°, correspondingly; compare Figs.3 and 3. Same skyrmions on (c) and (d) are marked by yellow circles.

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    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (19)

      Figure 6

      Diagram of the stability of localized magnetic states. The experimentally observed states are marked by geometrical figures. The boundary lines are schematically drawn for ease of perception.

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    • Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (20)

      Figure 7

      Phase diagrams of skyrmion helicity vs diameter and DMI constant for different quality factor 0.64 (a), 0.78 (b), and 0.92 (c). Violet for pure Néel skyrmion, red for Bloch skyrmion. (d) Cross section of (a)–(c) at D = 55 µJ/m2; green (solid) line: Ku=1.1×104J/m3; blue (dashed): Ku=0.9×104J/m3; red (dashed-dotted); Ku=1.3×104J/m3.

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    Direct observation of skyrmions with arbitrary helicity in patterned Co/Pt multilayers (2024)


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